About us

You might be asking yourself — what’s with the bird name and how to pronounce it next time you’re going to talk about your new exciting find to that gear nerd friend or band mates?

Don’t panic! We’ve got your back. Read slowly and say it out loud : Doh (like Homer’s d’oh!) – Leh (should sound like the word “let” but without the “t”). You did it? Congrats, you know the German word for Jackdaw! Now, you can listen to the audio!

Our team is based in the picturesque town of Sankt Gallen, the cultural and economical center of eastern Switzerland. If you ever travel to Alps around this region, you will surely hear the happy chirps of the Alpendohlen — or Alpine Choughs.

These smart and social birds are the symbol of endurance, cleverness and love of freedom. This is why we made it our mascot and muse – because these are the values we live by, building our brand.

What joined us in this adventure of crafting and making new tones is the fascination with sounds that has accompanied us since our childhood. Together we believe in the right to repair and knowledge sharing.

That’s why we not only create effects and instruments that inspire and help you make new sounds, but we also document our process on our blog, where you can find schematics and detailed explanations of all our products, shared under an open source license.

We established Dohle with the mission to make instruments that not only please your ears, but actually accompany you in your journey with music, live with you and last you for a lifetime.

Max Walczak – Founder of Dohle Music

We hope our products will accompany you on your music journey and bring lots of positive vibes to you and your listeners! Thank you for choosing us! ♥

About us

You might be asking yourself — what’s with the bird name and how to pronounce it next time you’re going to talk about your new exciting find to that gear nerd friend or band mates?

Don’t panic! We’ve got your back. Read slowly and say it out loud : Doh (like Homer’s d’oh!) – Let (should sounds like the word “LED” but with a silent D). You did it? Congrats, you know the German word for Jackdaw! Now, you can listen to the audio!

Our team is based in the picturesque town of Sankt Gallen, cultural and economical center of eastern Switzerland. If you ever travel to Alps around this region, you will surely hear the happy chirps of Alpendohle — or Alpine Chough.

These smart and social birds are the symbol of endurance, cleverness and love of freedom. This is why we made it our mascot and muse – because these are the values we live by, building our brand.

What joined us in this adventure of crafting and making new tones is the fascination with sounds that has accompanied us since our childhood. Together we believe in the right to repair and knowledge sharing.

That’s why we not only create effects and instruments that inspire and help you make new sounds, but we also document our process on our blog, where you can find schematics and detailed explanations of all our products, shared under an open source license.

We established Dohle with the mission to make instruments that not only please your ears, but actually accompany you in your journey with music, live with you and last you for a lifetime.

Max Walczak – Founder of Dohle Music

We hope our products will accompany you on your music journey and bring lots of positive vibes to you and your listeners! Thank you for choosing us! ♥